Recommended by Brad Kyle
I've always been fascinated by Nick's comments on FRONT ROW & BACKSTAGE articles. Now, we get to see his unique perspective on topics he chooses. It'll be fun to watch his growth here, and I, for one, am proud of him. Go get 'em, Nick!😉👍
Inspirational and infinitely relatable, Mark and his "Journey" is a Joy to experience! I've always enJoyed his generous sharing (with plenty o' pix!) of his hiking adventures with his wife, and his love of music is another Joy to experience! A great friend of FRONT ROW & BACKSTAGE, let Mark's Journey bring you Joy to your day!
A true fan of music and vinyl, Christopher's "Daydreamin'" is, quite often, inspiring and ground-breaking, and always creative! Christopher gets the FRONT ROW & BACKSTAGE seal of approval! Join me in subscribing!
Steve offers a popular song (usually in the classic or hard rock lane), and adds a personal anecdote or peek into how the song affected his life in some way! A unique approach!
Michael is a gifted writer who covers music (and its playing) from a knowledgeable perspective, but he's also very relatable and easy to understand. He dubs his offerings as "a newsletter for beginning guitarists and musicians," but it won't take long before you're realizing it's so much more! Michael, through his exclusive interviews, will also introduce you to music insiders & experts who will give you more unique perspectives on music in general, and the music YOU play, specifically!
Paul scours the internet for the fascinating and useful so you don't have to! Thanks to Paul and his "DN," there are days when I've been amazed, and others where I've found a site I wondered how I ever lived without!