Congratulations Brad! As you know, I was confused about which league the Astros are in, but hey, you're happy so I'm happy! Living in SF, I recall that Dusty Baker used to manage here, and SF won a couple of world series, but I guess the two things didn't coincide. Persistence can pay off!

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Thanks, Charles! I just ordered my WS Champ merch of choice! As for the 'Stros, they were born (with the Mets) in '62 as expansion teams in the NL. After 3 yrs as the Colt .45s, they became the Astros in '65 with the opening of the Astrodome. They moved (after coertion and cash inducements, of course) to the AL in '13.

Dusty managed the Giants '93-'02. SF won the Series in '10, '12, and '14. In an interesting coincidence, the Astros moved their AAA minor lg franchise into Fresno from '15 thru '18. The Grizzlies had long been the Giants' key MiLB stream, and Fresno residents had loved how the eventual MLB Giants, winners of 3 Championships in 5 years, had come thru Fresno as "baby Giants" for years!

I wrote several articles on the prediction of, and eventual move of the Astros' AAA affiliate from Fresno back to Round Rock, TX. I drew the ire of the Fresno GM after I published this: https://therunnersports.com/astros-aaa-grizzlies-closer-to-moving-back-to-round-rock/

Only because I stated the facts: Attendance at Grizzlies games dipped after the baby Astros came to Fresno. But, ANY team would have been met with indifference after the love affair between the Fresno residents and the Giants' affiliation had peaked with all those big league championships.

The 'Stros welcome Dusty back today (Wed 11/9) with a noon (CT) Minute Maid Park press conference!💥🎉🏆

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What a great tribute to Dusty! And I’m so happy for him as one of the great ambassadors for the sport and an amazing person too. I got to meet him at an event in San Francisco when he was managing the Giants and he was as warm and attentive to the nobodies like me as the wealthy bigwigs at the venue. Also, growing up in LA, I got to see him play for the Dodgers as a kid. He was one of my favorite players for years, even after I would come to hate the Dodgers (long story that I will one day turn into an Earworm post!).

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Thanks, Steve....for the kudos and the story! I, for one, can't wait to see your eventual Earworm (and not just because we can clink glasses together in sharing a bottle of Dodger boos)! It's cool to add your personal story of appreciating the player, and a positive meeting later, onto this article. Here's hoping the 'Stros sign him for '23!

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It would be ridiculous to not sign him, no? Unless Dusty is thinking of retiring. It seems all the players love him -- to not resign could create disharmony and maybe distrust I would think, as money would have to be the most likely reason.

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Press conference tomorrow (Wed) at noon (CT). Crane will announce a '23 pact with Dusty. I've already updated my article! Woo-hoo!🎉🥂✨🏆

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Really happy for Dusty Baker and his WS win. Happy for you, Brad, I guess 😍 because you’re the only Astros partisan I know. I mean, by the end, even fans of my Mets were rooting for rival Phillies, if only for the underdog storyline. (Not rooting hard, though.) But everyone in baseball respects Dusty Baker, and this vineyard is an angle most of us did not know. So good job!

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Thanks so much, Wayne! And, as you know only too well, just a smidge more research can dig up a haul---such was the case with me unearthing the Kool Bell connection! It's like....WHAT?! Is there a more connected cat in baseball?

Before MY retirement (and only had one job), I now cringe at how many times I'd whine..."oh, it's so hard...oh, I'm so tired!" And, Dusty's got several industry balls he's juggling! I only hope the 'Stros bring him back, and he's game to do it. The one downside of the trophy is the temptation that might exist to bow out, now, while on top! Thanks again!🎵👍

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