Fab, absolutely fab. Good old Greg. RIP. Thank you R&R Girl!

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It was actually kidney failure, he never took care of his diabetes. Fabulous tribute and so nice to meet someone on here who gets it! Thank you!

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Author

Thanks, Lori…..I changed it.

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ugh hard for me to heart that but yes....Chris has some stories about Greg who managed them and was out on the road drinking and would get to near death episodes from drinking. Poor Greg. Speaking of which I have an amazing story coming soon will blow your mind if you believe in the afterlife~

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I look forward! I’m on your “I Want My MTV” now! Thanks for cross-posting and recommending!!!

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Thank you for recommending as well!

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Nice ode to an important power pop icon.

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Thanks! It was a long time coming, and certainly due!

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Great article! I liked reading about Greg and the way you described his influence. I've yet to check the playlist, but you had me at soaring harmonies and catchy melodies! Is finger snapping allowed? Asking for a friend who always wants to bring soul and R&B to parties :)

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Thanks, Andy! Greg was one of the good guys! Finger snapping✔Toe tapping✔hand clapping✔all allowed, you can tell your friend😉. In fact, let's go to our emcee, who is proud to lay out all the evening's "allowables": https://open.spotify.com/track/2hQmC4vLJaWTXiAK5CK9rO?si=01616174821c48cc

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Great piece today, Brad. Kudos on working in a William Hung reference as well. I was working at a Borders nearly 20 years ago when his xmas album came out. Of course, I had to grab the free promo CD for myself. Not sure what happened to it- my guess is my first wife didn't see the humor in it and tossed it, hence the first wife label, haha. Wonder what that guy is doing these days.

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Thanks, Patrick! Like so many I've done (and many need to come in the future), this is one that had to be done! Greg was amazing, and finding that list was amazingly fortuitous, and literally (and thankfully!) forced my hand in merging the two! We love musical serendipity!

I love your "grab the free promo CD" (he quickly added, as if laying out dough for it would've triggered a felony rap!)....As for "these days" (I love your bravery!), "Hung later joined the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health around 2014," according to the almighty Wiki. "In 2017, Hung became a motivational speaker; he has been booked as a keynote speaker for groups such as the Asian Realtors Association of America."

I'm also guessing his story can be found in "How to Fashion a Career in the Music Biz," leading off the chapter titled, "Don't Let This Happen to You"!

We're told (warned?) there's a Mexican singer with a similar career fate: Fernando Villares (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fernando_Villares), if you're feeling daring today! Alert the ex!

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