Hey Brad the Cubs slogan is “It’s Different Here”

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Thanks, Libby, and I wish I could say the Cubbies are "just under the wire," but I wrote my article March 14, and the Cubs (after doing due diligence in researching it just now) came up with their "It's Different Here" on March 22, a full 8 days later than MY deadline! So, to re-cap: Cubs, a day late and a dollar short? Nope, "It's Pretty Much the Same There."

BTW, one Cub scribe (from the Cubs Insider) put in his two cents on the new slogan: "I’d really like to be less curmudgeonly about this, but there’s just something about this that rubs me the wrong way. It’s the whole idea of hyping up the Wrigley experience rather than ensuring the product on the field is the best it can be. Am I reading too much into it? Probably."

Just having fun, Libby! I never would've known had you not checked in...glad you did! Your contribution is here for the record, but here's hoping the Cubbies can "Cub Together" next year to get their slogan in on time! Cheers!

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