In the immortal words of Barry, "Looks Like Tomatoes." I guess that song was an original? I tried to find a version online where he sings "Looks Like Tomatuhs" instead of "Looks Like We Made It" but no luck. I'm pretty sure I didn't dream it. I remember as a kid watching some TV show and he was playing and was being silly with his lyrics.

Thanks for the Barry Tryptych down memory lane.

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Pretty cool! I knew he had a sense of humor, even (and perhaps especially) at himself. But, that sounds like fun....are you sure he wasn't on the Monty Green Show? I think I can imagine a kid, speaking of mondegreens, maybe hearing "Looks Like Wee Maidens," and imagining little Dutch gals carrying buckets by the windmills (or windmills by the buckets...that'd make 'em really tiny!).

I'm glad you enjoyed the Manilow journey! I can't promise any more beyond the 3 Editions already done, with 9 total songs, but I can't rule it out, either! It was fun searching 'em out, that's for sure!

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