I’m happy that this is free to read, Brad. There’s a natural flow in your writing that makes it easy to visualize and process. Really good work, sir. Keep it going!

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Many thanks, Nikhil, but 'cause you're relatively new Front Row & Backstage, please know that all these words are Stephen's! He's not only the one with the astoundingly rare behind-the-scenes peeks, but the gifts to put 'em down on virtual "paper"! He's a talented songwriter, and we're all currently discovering his dexterity in prose, as well!

All I do is add a jot here and a tittle there, and find a place to slap his remarkable personal photographs! I'm glad you're happy it's free, and we're happy to provide that, but if you find that a tip for coffee is appropriate, kindly step over here to make a "tinkle" into the tip jar. Tons o' thanks again, Nikhil, and we're happy you're with us! https://ko-fi.com/frontrowandbackstage

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I find it amazing that Bellingham, WA was the site of that concert! I spent a good bit of time there myself in the late '70s - '80s and it was a fairly small payroll town (maybe 50k population?) with a Weyerhaeuser pulp mill as the main employer. What set it apart was Western Washington University, the state liberal arts college which brought youth & some degree of culture to the town. It was also known as a hippie bastion at the time, reportedly because many young people planning to avoid the draft in the '60s moved there because it was so close to Canada and ended up staying, mostly in the neighborhood still known as 'Fairhaven.' So it's not inconceivable that a Paul Williams show would be staged there - and also not surprising that an unscrupulous promoter would invite them up for a remote location concert and then not come through with payment.

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Great context to time and place, Hugh...thanks! And, that event certainly soured Stephen to the notion of touring, at least at the time!

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