Ellen, you were more than a formidable competitor/partner to Brad in this supremely entertaining Tune Tag! I might have gained more insight from your musical knowledge than Mr. Kyle this go around! It seems you found connections from his picks that even he was unaware of! That’s a win-win-win! The third is for us, the reader.

Welcome to the TT Team, Ellen!

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I enjoyed Ellen's contributions, too, Steve! That's what makes Tune Tag so riveting......it's certainly not my incessant blatherings. I'm forever learning new things from our TT guests, and Ellen was certainly educating me, and us! A fun time was had by all!

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Thank you, Steve! I appreciate those kind and welcoming words.

My strategy was to wait a while before playing Tune Tag so I could understand his secret power and find a way to disarm it. (I'm pretending here that I had a strategy. More like anxiety!)

My take is that Brad is an absolute master at finding the connections between artists and also finding all of the covers of songs no matter how obscure. I don't know how he does it. I had to do a lot of digging to figure out where his selections came from because they seemed to come from left field. Once I found the connection, I was so pleased since I normally don't know how people and songs are connected. From what I've seen, the connections in the music business can become head-spinning.

My approach here, which would be hard for anyone to play against, is that I react to the lyrics and themes and find songs that relate to those from my personal memories. I think he would have written more, but I took up so much space in the post that he cut back and gave me the floor. Very generous on his part, allowing me to look good. (I'll bet he knew everything I wrote! But let's pretend he didn't.)

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Thanks so much, Ellen! Taking your last part first......Because we write our notes sight unseen, there's often things that I might say that you come up with, as well (true for most, if not all, TTs). When that happens, I have no problem deleting my thoughts, as there's certainly no need to repeat ideas.

There are even times where (let's say you, but it's happened in a lot of TTs) you might have a train of thought, and something I might have come up with would sound good right at a certain point of your thought (like adding album release dates and things like artists' current ages and death dates, etc). In that case, it just matters that it makes it onto paper....matters not who "says" it!

As past TTs can attest, if I have something to say, I'll say it (it's why any of us have a Substack)! As I've said when "re-fashioning" Nic's fabulous studio stories (in FR&B's "The Nic of Time"), he's the recording artist, laying down the initial tracks...I'm just the producer, trying to make it sound good! Same here....although, I'm also a fellow "singer" or "player" with our guest, I'm also the end-product producer! And, I love it!

And, yes, Ellen, as you said, "the connections in the music biz" are, indeed, head-spinning! However huge the H-wood record biz was in the '70s, it still, at some point, a small "commune," with most eager to help the other out (see The Wrecking Crew's voluminous resume, and, so many whose livelihood's were created just in the studio....for decades)!

And, anytime anyone can respond to lyrics and tag to 'em has a leg up on me....regular readers will recognize lyrics as being a decided "hole" in my game! Take advantage of me....please! And, any time a guest is bold and trusting enough to expose those personal memories....that's the TT gold right there!

There will be a Part 2, most certainly....and, you can go hard rock'n'metal if you'd like (I saw your note to Nick!), but, we've been loving the humor.....as has been said before, though, the Tune Tag will go where the Tune Tag will go!

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I wondered where those dates and ages came from! I'm thrilled having a producer who makes me look better, rather than editors who mess up my words to be 'helpful' and change the meaning completely. (The curse of the writer.)

I myself made a crack recently about metal having no sense of humor, but turns out I was wrong. Check these out:

Five Finger Death Punch's "A Little Bit Off" with a brilliant comedic intro (and the song is great) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve3fcInpKj0

Zapato's Jam on 'do metalheads have a sense of humor?' - https://zapatosjam.substack.com/p/do-metalheads-have-a-sense-of-humor?utm_source=publication-search

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I’m sure that Charles (Zapato’s Jam) would love to be referenced in your heavier mix…he’s one of the few metal heads I can talk shop with so looking forward to that.

And Brad, keeping it to live performance metaphors, you are like the conductor while also playing the tympani.

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That was fun and full of amazing musical factoids and history. Whew, Gladys Knight really throws me into an emotional state. Even my husband was verklempt listening next to me. Carry on, y’all!

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Gladys is a treasure, to be sure! Glad you enjoyed, Thea, and certainly our best to your hubby for joining in! He, too, is welcome anytime!

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Thanks for having me on Tune Tag, Brad. It was incredible fun and hope you'll have me back again sometime down the road. Love the dog video at the beginning!

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My pleasure, Ellen.....happy to have you! I loved all your commentary, and I know our readers will, too! Glad you loved the persistent bow-wow! I'm guessing that's happened to more than one person...especially when one is wearing fuzzy sockies around the house! A Part 2 should definitely be in the cards sometime after summer!

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I just listened to the Mob tune. I'm happy to see some dudes ran with that song, and brilliantly too.

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Yeah, I enjoyed their take, too! Plus, I was happy to find it amongst all the other covers...I believe all of them were by females, with The Mob being the only exception! Wasn't familiar with them beforehand, but I love the rollicking Motown vibe they take on!

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Jun 27Liked by Brad Kyle

This was fantastic, in every single respect. One thing is to have knowledge, which you both have a plenty. A completely different thing, which doesn’t always come with the knowledge, is being able to use it intelligently. And yet another thing is to channel all of that intelligently applied knowledge into a true communion of musical souls. This is called skill, true skill, and the hot press you are getting in the comments speaks for itself!

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Thanks so much, Andy! Ellen is a force to be reckoned with, and we're happy she's here....FRONT ROW & BACKSTAGE, but also here on the 'Stack! It'll be fun to watch her writing grow! Thanks so much, again, for such a thoughtful and generous compliment!

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Well, I'm a few days late in getting around to reading/listening to this, however, from Ellen's first pick, Carole King's “It’s Too Late” I was totally immersed... that song still gives me goose bumps when I listen to it, amazing. Ellen, Brad, you did it again!

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Thanks, Nic! As well as learning so many new songs'n'artists with Tune Tag, it's always a gas hearing what and why an artist and/or song turns someone on. And, your reaction to "It's Too Late" makes me appreciate it that much more! Thanks for sharing!

When I think about the Brill Building songwriters from the '60s, I realize so few of them broke out to become performers/singers themselves! Carole, of course, along with Neil Diamond, and to a lesser degree, Barry Mann and the Mrs., Cynthia Weil. But, despite the reported stage fright that seemed to bedevil Carole, thank goodness, "You've Gotta" friends like James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, her first band, The City, and others coaxed her into being an artist, herself! Big thanks to THOSE friends!

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That Tapestry album is still so good. My almost 4-year-old daughter asks to listen to it! And I can’t believe it went from that to Paradise by Meat Loaf at the end 😂 these tags are always such a fun follow!!

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Thanks, Colin! That's so cute.....already your daughter is making those early musical memories! I bet when she plays her first Tune Tag in a couple decades, Carole might be her first tune outta the gate! And, I think we know Carole (through the years and thru her music) well enough to know she'd be tickled to know her music is attracting the ears of the toddler set!

And, my education continues! I'm surprised I'd never heard of Rory Dodd before this week! One of those artists who was right there, right under our very ears for years!

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I love that your daughter is a Tapestry fan! And glad you enjoyed the Tag.

Carole has done a children's album around Maurice Sendak's Really Rosie. Not sure what age it's appropriate for, but here's a description on Carole's site --https://www.caroleking.com/discography/album/really-rosie

If you're interested in knowing more about the brilliant Carole, I put out a post a few days ago here -- https://rocknrollwithme.substack.com/p/carole-king-the-creator-series-2

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Oh, wow! I will be checking out both of these!! Thank you!

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Some favorite songs in this one!

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You're allowed to name one..........or two! Color us curious!

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Well, It's Too Late, Where You Lead, and Paradise by the Dashboard Light were all in my Top Ten lists in the 70s. I also really like Southern Cross, Blue Letter, and Mama Told Me Not to Come. All solid songs!

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Thanks, Dan! I just realized I've not read your 1971 article! I must've become a Dan fan a few pieces after that! For our readers, here's your '71 piece, with Three Dog Night, Cher, Carpenters, and your #2 for the year, Carole's "It's Too Late"....FR&B-ers, dig in! Feel free to subscribe! Music, personal pix'n'videos galore! https://danpal.substack.com/p/a-top-ten-memoir-1971-feeling-like

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Thanks Brad! You can also go back to the beginning in 1963...

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1963?! Wow, wasn't it crowded in there, writing your missives from your womb-with-a-view? And, the postage had to be astronomical!! I had no idea! I thought I was only, like, a couple years behind! OK.....I'll brew a hot Toddy (well, lemme go find one, first!😉), and get to it!

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Ellen's writing is great, and I'm not surprised to see a thoughtful Tune Tag. I enjoyed how frequently her response was, "Brad's selection is good, and I want pick something that is thematically connected but has a lighter mood and male singers being funny or relaxed."

It's a distinctive vibe which gives a clear personality to this Tune Tag exchange and she found selections that were clearly related.

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Yep! All well-said, Nick....thanks! Another fun part of TT is the completely new personality and tone it all takes with each new guest! And, our readers would do well to check out Ellen's fine writing on her "Rock'n'Roll With Me" Substack: https://rocknrollwithme.substack.com/

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Thanks for noticing that, Nick. I tend to reach for the comedy, for better or worse. If Brad invites me to do it again, I'll probably go hard rock and metal!

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Or maybe a little Tim Minchin (I think I thought of him just because the juxtuposition of hard rock and comedy made me think of his hair -- but looking him up, this is a song that I hadn't head before which is very well done).

"Three Minute Song" -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58mE7Vy1Xrc

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Never heard of Minchin, Nick! I reckon 'cause he's had most of his exposure in UK and Australia, and little, if any, in the States. That was a clever song, and I'd be curious to see more by him.

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I'm not an expert, but I have ended up watching a couple of other videos, and here's another one from the BBC that's pretty good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt-lotqZQsc

(as someone says in comments, "I so hope this was kept as a genuine surprise to Ross. Those reaction shots. Absolute genius.")

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He's certainly funny.....he's really not writing songs so much as doing his stand-up accompanying himself on piano. Not a value judgment...I'm just trying to fit him in somewhere. I think I'd give him a talk show (translation for our UK audience...."chat show"!), provided it was on a network (streaming, most likely) where he'd be free to be as raunchy as he'd wanna be.

It sounds like he's able to improvise on the spot. If not, he knows he's going to be on a show (like the one you supplied), and come up with a fitting song (for the host or whomever) in short order.

In lots of ways, he's similar to Victor Borge, using the piano as a key prop to delivering comedy. Tom Lehrer did the same. Then, there's one of my favorites, Martin Mull, who plays guitar, both accompanying his comedy, but also writing funny songs (like "Margie the Midget," where they walk down the street, "hand in ankle, with her arm around my sock"!

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I think that’s right (and, obviously both Victor Borge and Tom Lehrer are giants, so there’s no criticism in comparing him to either of them).

He does write “real” songs as well, but I find those “bit” an easier introduction — the skill, talent, and performance ability are so obvious and on the surface.

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That really takes me back to my years in the UK! I used to watch the Jonathan Ross Show every week. Those reaction shots to camera are what he's known for, as well as asking guests humorously invasive questions and engaging in fun banter with them.

I saw Tim Minchin on the telly quite a few times. He's very popular and in the line of many UK comedians who get a bit raunchy or at least provocative. (Think Ricky Gervais, Russell Brand, Sacha Baron Cohen, etc.) I would often watch things and think, 'This wouldn't be allowed in the US.' There was even a Dutch show with nudity on one of the main channels when I moved there. So the censors seem quite a bit less strict in the UK. That said, I was surprised at how far he was allowed to go in your first clip, Nick. Pretty far!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Brad Kyle

My impression of Johnathan Ross comes from Penn & Teller: Fool Us. So, watching that clip, I kept thinking, "he looks so young. . . . "

I would assume that Tim Minchin has enough fame to earn a little more leeway, at some point, but I agree, I can't imagine that on network TV in the US.

[Edit] Apparently there is a US version of "Three Minute Song" (it's very similar, but I don't think it's as good as the BBC performance) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MermUSeJJc8

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Tim Minchin is brilliant and that song is hysterical. I can't believe the BBC allowed it on air. (Btw I get the hair connection.)

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Great song picks as usual. It's nice to virtually meet Ellen!

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Thanks, Paul! It's a gas to meet people through their love of music and their favorite artists! Ellen had the same musical epiphany the same way I did, and at about the same age....The Beatles on "The Ed Sullivan Show"! That's pretty cool!

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Nice to meet you, too, Paul. I subscribe to your stack and recommend it. It's a great place to discover things one doesn't know and think "Wait, what?!"

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I appreciate you, Ellen!

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You guys covered a lot of musical ground in this one, Brad and Ellen. Carole King ... Meat Loaf ... CSN ... Fleetwood Mac ... Three Dog Night. My head is spinning.

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Thanks, Jim! Your spinning head, would you believe, was our actual goal! As for myself and Ellen, I’d say our job, here, is done!

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