Hi, Brad. This comment has nothing to do with this post, which I I haven't read yet (but will do). But I just wanted to tell you that yesterday, after several years, I resurrected my Spotify account and was immediately reminded of the fact that I've done what you often do, ie create playlists of different versions of the same song. For example, I have a playlist called She's Not There. I resurrected Spotify because I wanted to compile a playlist of several versions of a jazz tune, for a post I'm working on. I'm nowhere near as well-informed as you on the various versions, but it's great fun isn't it, and fascinating. Anyway, just thought I'd share that with you :-)

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Hey, Brad. Stellar piece, as usual! I'm going to have to dig a little deeper into this in the near future, but at first reading, it's amazing what developed from the 'Sunshine Pop' movement, as brief as it was.

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Fascinating, the amount of detail you provide is amazing. I'd never consciously heard of this dude before, even though I watched my three sons occasionally. (I preferred fred M in double indemnity) 😁

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Fun look back. Who'da thunk it? Wonder if he and Ricky Nelson ever met? Is that a genre? Young TV stars who also recorded music. I'm sure you know a bunch of them. Q: Were these guys actors first who also played music, or musicians who had the "it" look, and were made into actors?

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