Great piece. Good to see some animation in here too :)

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Thanks, Jon! The Hudsons certainly used a lot of animation in their "Razzle Dazzle" show! It was a double-edged sword for them, as it kept a younger audience riveted, but alienated, I think, an older, more "serious" rock crowd they'd originally set out to entertain.

But, of course, in the right measure, and in the proper venue, animation is the way to go for me, and has been since Bugs Bunny, Quick Draw McGraw, Top Cat, and all my favorites, growing up!

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Damn deep dive. Thanks. And new to me.

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The rock and pop firmament is filled with the stars (and would be-) no one heard...and, that's why we're here, FRONT ROW & BACKSTAGE! Glad you're with us and enjoying! Drop a needle on a couple of the other "Video to Vinyl" articles, Chris, and see what else was out there!

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Hear hear!

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I always enjoyed the music of the Hudson Brothers and in the mid/late 70s heyday of power pop, they had a lot of fans. But their variety show and the way they were promoted made them come across as a bit of a joke. I saw them playing at (I believe) Knott's Berry Farm back in the day. Which was pretty sad.

And if you enjoy their music, I'd advise that you don't dive into the life of Mark Hudson very deeply. His post-band relationships with spouses and kids is...problematic.

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Nail on head, Rick! While researching, I began to see, more clearly, how a band who took themselves seriously was (understandably) drawn in by the glam and money of a TV offer. But, they then became the stereotypical "show biz ho," had to ditch any prospects of credibility, and were compelled to play county fairs, and I'm guessing you're right...Knott's! I think the only thing they missed was appearing on a cereal box!

I think if you imagined slotting in any reputable rock band into their position, you'd find it easy to see that same band ending up as a cartoon version of themselves, with no rock cred remaining, whatsoever!

And, thanks for pulling your punches on Mark and his post-Hudsons life (which I'd never heard about before). Folks, if interested, can pursue on their own.

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Thanks, David! Kind of a classic story (likely lived out hundreds, if not thousands, of times in La-La-Land!)....how do you NOT toss your dreams aside for the lure'n'dollars of another alluring medium?

Since "A Hard Day's Night," I've always been fascinated by the one-hand-washes-the-other natures of the cross-pollination of more than one medium...in The Hudsons' case, their TV show was one big commercial for their records, just like their records had a sticker affixed crowing loudly about their TV show! Who wouldn't be seduced?

My other "Video to Vinyl" pieces explore these phenomena with other artists! In all of them, it's hard to not put yourself in their place, and wonder how you'd react if your life followed a similar career path!

Thankfully, in their own ways, Mark, Bill'n'Brett were able to land sustainable gigs in the biz they loved...all while carrying riveting stories of their '70s time in the limelight!

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Great read guys!

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Thanks, Pe! Once again, a fellow music writer inspires me to get off my figurative duff and write something I've been wanting to for a while! Thank you, Mark!

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You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it, Pe Dupre!

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Wow, absolutely fantastic! I’d never heard of the Hudson Brothers but loved all of those songs and I really loved the five minute video of how the band came to be. So many “right place, right time” moments there. I also enjoyed hearing how their sound evolved through the years.

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Thanks so much, Mark! You've again reached the heart of FRONT ROW & BACKSTAGE!🎵Glad you heard some new-new, and enjoyed the presentation! BTW, I had a blast with Andy and Stephan yesterday (Monday) as they had a stop-over in Austin on their way to their playcation!

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Oh how lovely that you were able to catch up with Andy and Stephan (who I haven’t met yet)!

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Had a blast chatting with Andy for several hours before Stephan joined us, and we had drinks and they treated me to a wonderful shrimp dinner!

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Very interesting and entertaining read! Great balance, as well, intertwining the story, with their side stories, and with your perspetives/personal experience. Not easy to juggle all of that… well done!!

PS: That Hanson pic though 😍 Adorable!

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Thanks, Andy......Mad props to Mark for the....uh, goose to get this done! I'm glad you appreciate the lay-out.....they bounced around so many labels, and so quickly, it was a challenge to sort if all out. Glad it settled into an entertaining read!

Just noticed the similarities in those two brother-trios separated by centuries: Both "H-names", Hanson and Hudson, have 6 letters, with both ending in "son"! Holy symmetry, Batman!

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You both did a great job, and I love how your styles and experience complement each other so well.

Lol yes at the name coincidence! Someone's had his coffee this morning! 😂 The "son" ending, quite common in family names, is one thing (still worth noting, though). But the six letters coincidence? 😱

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Thanks Andy.

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Palabras.....mis favoritos cosas!

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Somos dos!

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I loved The Hudson Brothers!

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Didn't Mark sing backup on the 1993 Scorpions album? I think the song was Under the same Sun.

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You are correct, sir! Mark sang back-up (with producer Bruce Fairbairn) on "Under the Same Sun"! You're now reminding me, Bob, that Mark was highly-thought-of in the rock arena...as if they knew the guys were talented, and were swept up into the glitz'n'glamour of the TV/Hollywood....well, razzle dazzle!!

I bet if we perused Mark's credits from the '80s, onward, we'd find similar well-placed accompaniment! Here ya go...... https://www.discogs.com/artist/217314-Mark-Hudson?superFilter=Credits 😱

In fact, Mark had co-writes on FOUR of that album's ("Face the Heat") songs! Great catch, Bob!

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I'm a huge Scorpions fan.

I really enjoyed this article. You do a fantastic job on these deep dives.

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Thanks so much, Bob....that means a lot...truly!

Having forgotten about Mark's post-Hudsons "popularity" (that I do remember hearing about, occasionally, in real time), that underscores what I wanted to highlight about the pop/Hudsons and their original rock gravitas they had so eagerly started their career with!

I'm wondering if you dug deeper into Mark's credit list, you might actually find he maybe came close to being an "honorary Scorpion"!

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