She was a sweetie as you'd hope and expect. I met her only briefly, and wish I could've spent more time with her, but she was invited to the project her co-worker, Lloyd, was working on (with my bro) in the early '80s, about 7 years after "Brady Bunch" had wrapped production.
This is an amazing story, Dave, and is actually made even more "contemporary," as I saw Lloyd just 5 years ago, and got an up-date on a few things that make up the heart of the story!
The story about Maureen will be worth the price of admission. One of my childhood crushes!
She was a sweetie as you'd hope and expect. I met her only briefly, and wish I could've spent more time with her, but she was invited to the project her co-worker, Lloyd, was working on (with my bro) in the early '80s, about 7 years after "Brady Bunch" had wrapped production.
This is an amazing story, Dave, and is actually made even more "contemporary," as I saw Lloyd just 5 years ago, and got an up-date on a few things that make up the heart of the story!