Cool link....I ran across that factoid in my research, but "HD" and its genesis was tempting to get into, as were the resultant spin-off series, "Laverne & Shirley," Chachi this and Joanie that, etc ad infinitum!! But, it was tempting! Thanks again, Michael!
Cool link....I ran across that factoid in my research, but "HD" and its genesis was tempting to get into, as were the resultant spin-off series, "Laverne & Shirley," Chachi this and Joanie that, etc ad infinitum!! But, it was tempting! Thanks again, Michael!
Cool link....I ran across that factoid in my research, but "HD" and its genesis was tempting to get into, as were the resultant spin-off series, "Laverne & Shirley," Chachi this and Joanie that, etc ad infinitum!! But, it was tempting! Thanks again, Michael!