I’m so glad we didn’t follow Pete’s childish desire,

“ Hope I die before I get old “.

Pete’s probably glad, too.

Keith Moon not so lucky.

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True dat! But, oh, that rock'n'roll ethos! It sure worked then as a psychic salve on our tortured souls!! This Who talk makes me remember how my first real exposure to them was "Tommy," having, in real time, kinda skipped over their mid-'60s teen anthems, for no other reason than access!

At 10 in '65, Stephen, I know like you, I was ga-ga over The Beatles, and got and had everything! I was also mad heavy into The Kinks, Paul Revere (I even sent away for the 3-sided souvenir Revere hat!....I even had a pair of Beatle boots!!), Herman, Freddie, and everyone else 16, Flip, and Tiger Beat covered, and I read 'em all (again, solid '65-'67 or so time frame)!

I really don't remember those mags doing much with The Who, and the song or two I heard on the radio by them must have just flown by me, 'cause I had "Kinda Kinks" and all those others in my bedroom! But, I loved "Tommy" which is also when I finally caught up with their mid-'60s hits in the rear-view mirror! Then I saw how their puzzle piece fit into the Brit Invasion and rock history! Good stuff!!

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How ashamed I feel. I had never heard of this number until now. My intro to Alice Cooper was the School's out album, which I still love. I remember discussing Alice Cooper and how commercial they sounded (School's out, the single, was featured in Top of the Pops for God's sake) with a fellow student at uni. We concluded that Alice Cooper was crap, but its saving grace was that it was GOOD crap!

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Goodness, Terry! Is your Alice Cooper flow chart all over the map, to mix media, if not metaphors....or, an after-dinner drink! Well, anthemic they were, as "School's Out" was another pure banger (and even more of a fave of mine than "I'm Eighteen")!

And, a quick peek reveals that "School's Out" enjoys about twice the number of covers....with almost 60, including one by the Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star lullaby troupe we discovered today!

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😂 I don't have an Alice Cooper flow chart. Sad but true 🙄

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Oops, my bad. I was thinking of Flo Chart, who fronted the Dorsey band in the '40s. You may recall her hit, "June is Busting Out All Over (So June Better Get a Bigger Dress)."👱‍♀️

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That one courtesy of dear ole Dad, who, in the '60s (1960s I hasten to add), was doing Dad jokes decades before they ever came close to being a thing! Again, '60s (this one's a freebie), we'd (Mom, bro, me, Dad) be car-cationing on the open road. All of a sudden, Dad would blurt out (his favorite way to blurt, it should be noted), "What's that in the road, a-HEAD?"😱

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OMG groan 🤣

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Brad, Another terrific article. This time about a song that captured the angst we all felt at that age.

I was 17 when “Eighteen” came roaring out of radio station KRLA here in Los Angeles.

Like The Stones, The Kinks and even The Yardbirds, Alice Cooper managed to rattle the chains of youthful “unbliss” we teens felt in one way or another. Glad we grew out of that!!!

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Thanks, Stephen! I knew you'd have some Alice experiences, too! You've really gotta hand it to these rockers who, even though they were several years past those awkward years, were able to so masterfully grasp and encapsulate our singular (and shared) head-banging angst!

With those bands you mentioned, we'd be remiss to leave out Pete Townsend and his many Who odes to growing pains, "My Generation" being one! "Glad we grew out of that," indeed! When I look back at MY turbulent teens, I'm surprised we actually DID!!😱

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I’m so glad we didn’t follow Pete’s childish desire,

“ Hope I die before I get old “.

Pete’s probably glad, too.

Keith Moon not so

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My kind of music. Excellent stuff. Didn't know there were so many covers of Eighteen. Good article, Bro.

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Thanks, Paul! Yep, lots of covers...at least 18! Another one of those artists whom other artists can't resist covering....so influential was/is he, that as soon as an artist "earns" the right to do a tribute album, they run straight to Alice! He influenced MY stage persona, as I've hinted at before...as a lead singer in Brimstone, my early '70s high school rock band.

I'll tell that WHOLE story this summer, but only for Paid Subscribers!!

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I don't see you as an Alice Jr. I bet your band years were a blast!

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My blond hair was down my back, I found silver lamé shirts at thrift shops, and I was listening to and reading about Bowie, T. Rex, Alice...this was all around '71-'73! I was the glam'n'glitter king of Houston back in the day!🌟

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Awesome. Love to see some pics!

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We had two B&W promo posters made for us back then. Both were of me (but, of course!)---hey, it's the lead singer thing! One was of me at the mic singing, and the other was of my playing the flute, both onstage, of course. I had the flute one for several decades...not sure if I still have it (in storage).

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