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Great story, Brad. I liked hearing your childhood memories. What a resource your Dad was by bringing home all the albums! I played the tuba in high school. I remember lugging that big ass hunk of brass 20 blocks to and from school to practice. Didn't last long. I had an electric guitar months later, and learned from a buddy who had some real training. Fun to think back. Thanks!

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Thanks, Paul! 'Twas truly an embarrassment of riches, all those promos! Again, 1) Dad was into jazz, and 2) my bro wasn't into music at all, so one less thing for us to fight over, i.e. "Hey, YOU got the LAST Sabbath album, and it's my turn for that Tir Na Nog thing 'cause YOU got the White Witch last time around!" might've been how it went had he cared about🎡! All he wanted to do was pester me (and be his punching bag)---thank goodness we had separate rooms with door locks!!! My vinyl was truly my friend that bridged me from elementary school thru jr. hi!

Amazing, isn't it, our respective musical stories! I wasn't a joiner, and suffered from low self-confidence in hi school (which is why it never occurred to me to "join band"...except when I joined Brimstone as lead singer....THAT's a story that would do well to be told! Pardon me while I create a page to write that one soon! Thank YOU, Paul!!!🎸πŸ’₯

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